Main Clauses – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct part of the sentence for each field, so that you build a sentence according to the pattern Subject-Verb-Object in each line.

If a field should remain blank, choose the dash (-).

Subject Finite Verb Indirect Object Direct Object infinite verb
.Who showed us the way? – ein Polizist|To whom did he show the way? – uns|What did he show us? – den Weg|the finite verb agrees with the subject – hat|the infinite verb is an infinitive or a past participle – gezeigtA police officer showed us the way.
.Who has to zip up the jackets? – sie|Whose jackets do they have to zip up? – den Kindern|What do they have to zip up? – die Jacke|the finite verb agrees with the subject – haben|the infinite verb is an infinitive or a past participle – zugemachtThey have to zip up the children’s jackets.
.Who brings the coffee? – die Kellnerin|To whom is she bringing the coffee? – dem Mann|What is she bringing to the man? – einen Kaffee|the finite verb agrees with the subject – bringt|the infinite verb is an infinitive or a past participle – no infinite verbThe waitress brings the man a coffee.
.Who will call you? – ich|anrufen takes the accusative = no indirect object|Who am I going to call? – dich|the finite verb agrees with the subject – werde|the infinite verb is an infinitive or a past participle – anrufenI’ll call you.
.Who trusts the teacher? – wir|Whom do we trust? – der Lehrerin|no direct object|the finite verb agrees with the subject – vertrauen|the infinite verb is an infinitive or a past participle – no infinite verb (vertrauen is not an infinitive here, but rather the inflected form for the pronoun wir)We trust the teacher.

Use the prompts to make sentences. The part of speech you should start your sentence with is given for you.

  1. gestiegen/sind/wir/auf den Aussichtsturm
    1st position: subject Who climbed the tower? – wir|2nd position: finite verb – sind|place – auf den Aussichtsturm|finite verb – gestiegenWe climbed the viewing tower.
  2. gelernt/habt/ihr/ein neues Lied/in der Schule
    1st position: place Where did you learn a song? – in der Schule|2nd position: finite verb – habt|subject – ihr|finite verb – gelerntYou learned a new song in school.
  3. gehe/morgen/ich/ins Museum
    1st position: time When am I going to the museum? – morgen|2nd position: finite verb – gehe|subject – ichTomorrow I’m going to the museum.
  4. schreiben/wird/er/euch/eine SMS
    1st position: indirect object To whom is he going to write an SMS? – euch|2nd position: finite verb – wird|subject – er|direct object – eine SMS|finite verb – schreibenHe’s going to write you a text.
  5. vorlesen/darf/sie/ihrem Opa/die Zeitung
    1st position: direct object What is she allowed to read aloud? – die Zeitung|2nd position: finite verb – darf|subject – sie|indirect object – ihrem Opa|finite verb – vorlesenShe’s allowed to read the newspaper to her grandpa.