Location and Comparative – Free Exercise

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Exercise B2

Is the adverb in the right place or not? (For the incorrect sentences, you can see the correction after choosing your solution by clicking on the speech bubble.)

  1. Wir halfen dem Kind gestern bei den Hausaufgaben.
    The adverb is usually placed after the dative object (dem Kind).We helped the child with its homework yesterday.
  2. Er ist mit einem Flugzeug geflogen nie.
    The adverb cannot be placed after the infinitive verb (here the past participle - geflogen).|Correction: Er ist nie mit einem Flugzeug geflogen.He has never flown in an aeroplane.
  3. Neuerdings gehen sie täglich zum Schwimmunterricht.
    If there’s an adverb at the beginning of the sentence, the sentence structure changes (adverb + verb + subject).|The second adverb is placed before the prepositions of place and time, and before objects.Lately they’ve been going to swimming lessons daily.
  4. Neulich wäre beinahe ein Meteorit in unser Haus eingeschlagen.
    Because of the first adverb, the sentence structure changes at the end of the sentence (the subject comes after the finite verb). In this case, the second adverb can be placed between the finite verb and the subject, if the subject is being particularly emphasised. Here, we want to emphasise what almost struck the house.Recently, a meteor almost struck our house.
  5. Ich kann trotzdem dir nicht helfen.
    The adverb cannot be placed directly before a pronoun.|Correction: Ich kann dir trotzdem nicht helfen.Despite that, I still can’t help you.
  6. Petra fuhr gestern mit mir im Bus.
    The adverb comes before the preposition of place, time, and objects.Petra rode the bus with me yesterday.
  7. Er ärgerte mächtig sich über seinen Fehler.
    The adverb cannot be placed directly before a pronoun (here: Reflexivpronomen).|Correction: Er ärgerte sich mächtig über seinen Fehler.He got very annoyed about his mistake.

Select the basic form or comparative form of the following adverbs. Use each form just once.

  1. gern
    Ich sehe Sport im Fernsehen, aber noch mache ich selbst Sport. spiele ich Fußball.1st space: basic form|2nd space: comparative (signal word: noch …)|3rd space: superlativeI like to watch sports on television, but I prefer to play sports myself. I most like to play football.
  2. oft
    Von all meinen Freunden sehe ich Grit . Aber in den letzten zwei Monaten habe ich Elke gesehen als Grit. Sonst sehe ich Elke gar nicht so .1st space: superlative (signal word: von all …)|2nd space: comparative (signal word: als)|3rd space: basic formOf all my friends, I see Grit the most often. But in the last few months I’ve seen Elke more often than Grit. Normally I don’t see Elke this often.
  3. sehr
    Im Zoo hat es den Kindern gefallen. haben ihnen die Erdmännchen gefallen. Die Erdmännchen haben den Kinder wirklich gefallen als all die anderen Tiere.1st space: basic form|2nd space: superlative|3rd space: comparative (signal word: als)The children really liked the zoo. They like the meerkats most of all. Truly, the children liked the meerkats more than all the other animals.
  4. bald
    hat mein Bruder Geburtstag. Aber noch hat meine Mutti Geburtstag. Doch von allen habe ich Geburtstag.1st space: basic form|2nd space: comparative (signal word: noch …)|3rd space: superlative (signal word: von allen)Soon it will be my brother’s birthday. But my mum’s birthday comes even sooner. And soonest of all is my birthday.