GrammarPrepositionsPrepositions of TimePrepositions of Time – Free Exercise Prepositions of Time – Free Exercise show special characters display incorrect answers Exercises Telling the time. Look at the clocks and complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. Es ist Viertel nachumvor drei.minutes past → nachIt’s quarter past three. Der Zug kommt zehn nachumvor sieben am Bahnhof an.minutes to → vorThe train will reach the station at ten to seven. Ich habe nachumvor neun einen Termin beim + time → umI have a doctor’s appointment at nine o’clock. Days, months and seasons. Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences. AmIm Sonntag gehen wir in den Park.on + day of the week → amWe’re going to the park on Sunday. Viele Leute gehen amim Sommer an den + season → imLots of people go to the beach in summer. Wollen wir uns amim Abend einen Film ansehen?masculine time of day (der Abend) → amShall we watch a film this evening? AmIm 10. Februar habe ich ein Vorstellungsgespräch bei der Firma.on + date → amI have a job interview with the company on the 10th of February. Wir fahren amim September nach + month → imWe’re going to Germany in September. Other prepositions of time. Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences. Sie ist abseitvor einer Woche krank.for + duration → seitShe’s been sick for a week. Wir sind angegenin zwanzig Minuten bei + remaining time → inWe’ll be at yours in 20 minutes. AbSeitVon nächstem Montag ist die Straße gesperrt.starting point in the future with no explicit end point → abThe road will be closed from next Monday. Lars hat nachvomzwischen 17. bisnachseit 25. Juni Urlaub.from … to → vom … bisLars is on holiday from the 17th to the 25th of June. Verena kommt gegennachseit einem Jahr in Australien nächste Woche wieder in die Heimat zurück.after → nachAfter a year in Australia, Verena is coming home next week. Online exercises to improve your German Improve your German with Lingolia. Each grammar topic comes with one free exercise where you can review the basics, as well as many more Lingolia Plus exercises where you can practise according to your level. Check your understanding by hovering over the info bubbles for simple explanations and handy tips. Prepositions of Time – Free Exercise Prepositions of time – free exercise Lingolia Plus German Unlock all grammar exercises for German with a Lingolia Plus account 1217 interactive grammar exercises for German sorted by topic and level (A1–C1) with a built-in progress tracker and awards system Get started with Lingolia Plus Temporale Präpositionen – Lingolia Plus Exercises Temporale Präpositionen – Uhrzeit A1 Temporale Präpositionen – Tage, Monate … (1) A1 Temporale Präpositionen – Tage, Monate … (2) A1 Temporale Präpositionen – Uhrzeit, Tage, Monate … A1 Temporale Präpositionen – Geburtstag A2 Temporale Präpositionen – Traum A2 Temporale Präpositionen – Treffen mit Freunden A2 Temporale Präpositionen – Tauchkurs A2 Temporale Präpositionen – Infos im Hotel A2 A1 Beginner A2 Elementary B1 Intermediate B2 Upper intermediate C1 Advanced Gapfill Multiple choice Drag-and-drop Mixed