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Complete the sentences with wenn or als.
- ich 20 war, konnte ich die ganze Nacht durchfeiern.ongoing past state
when can’t be replaced by whenever (whenever I was 20) → alsWhen I was 20, I could party all night long.
- mein Vater 65 wird, geht er in Rente.talking about the future → wennWhen my father turns 65, he’ll retire.
- Das mache ich, ich zurückkomme.talking about the future → wennI’ll do that when I get back.
- Jahrelang grüßte er die alte Dame, sie ihm begegnete, obwohl er längst vergessen hatte, woher er sie kannte.repeated past action (signal: jahrelang)
when can be replaced by whenever → wennFor years he said hello to the old lady when their paths crossed, even though he had long since forgotten where he knew her from.
- meine Mutter noch in der Schokoladenfabrik arbeitete, hatten wir immer viele Süßigkeiten zu Hause.ongoing past situation
when can’t be replaced by whenever (whenever my mother still worked)→ alsWhen my mother still worked at the chocolate factory, we always had lots of sweets at home.