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Every bathroom has necessities — can you name them all in German? This page will teach you how!

Memorise the ten German words related to bathrooms by using the colourful image, then put your knowledge to the test in the free interactive exercises.

Das Bad

  1. das Waschbeckensink (die Waschbecken)
  2. der Spiegelmirror (die Spiegel)
  3. die Toilettetoilet (die Toiletten)
  4. die Badewannebath(tub) (die Badewannen)
  5. der Wasserhahntap (die Wasserhähne)
  6. die Duscheshower (die Duschen)
  7. das Handtuchtowel (die Handtücher)
  8. das Toilettenpapiertoilet paper (no plural)
  9. die Zahnbürstetoothbrush (die Zahnbürsten)
  10. die Zahnpasta/die Zahncremetoothpaste (no plural)

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