How many words related to spring do you know in German?
This page will teach you ten German words to describe the most romantic season.
Memorise the vocab using the colourful image then test yourself in the free interactive exercises.
Der Frühling/Das Frühjahr
- der Schmetterlingbutterfly (die Schmetterlinge)
- der Froschfrog (die Frösche)
- das Nestnest (die Nester)
- das Eiegg (die Eier)
- das Kükenchick (die Küken)
- die Tulpetulip (die Tulpen)
- die Osterglockedaffodil (die Osterglocken)
- der Haserabbit (die Hasen)
- der Marienkäferladybird (die Marienkäfer)
- das Lammlamb (die Lämmer)