Gender – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct article.

  1. Männleinnouns with the ending -lein are always neuter in German.the little man
  2. Schneeforms of precipitation are always masculine in German.the snow
  3. Universitätnouns with the ending -tät are always feminine in German.the university
  4. Einsamkeitnouns with the ending -keit are always feminine in German.the loneliness
  5. Kranichnouns with the ending -ich are always masculine in German.the crane

Compound nouns - choose the correct article.

  1. Brieffreundschaftnouns with the ending -schaft (Freundschaft) are always feminine in German.the correspondence with a penpal
  2. Abreisedatumnouns with the ending -um (Datum) are always neuter in German.the date of departure
  3. Froschkönignouns with the ending -ig (König) are always masculine in German.the frog king
  4. Produktmarketingnouns made from English words ending in -ing (Marketing) are always neuter in German.the product marketing
  5. Augenblicknouns made from verbs without the -en (blicken – Blick) are always masculine in German.the moment

Choose the correct article.

  1. Kaninchen frisst gerne Möhren.nouns with the ending -chen are always neuter in German.The rabbit likes to eat carrots.
  2. Aktion war sehr erfolgreich.nouns with the ending -ion are always feminine in German.The campaign was very successful.
  3. Medikament schmeckt bitter.nouns with the ending -ment are mostly neuter in German.The medicine tastes bitter.
  4. April war sehr verregnet.The names of the months are all masculine in German.(The month of) April was very rainy.
  5. Prüfung war gar nicht so schwer.nouns with the ending -ung are always feminine in German.The test wasn’t that hard at all.