Carnival Parade

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All over the world there’s no event more exciting or more entertaining than carnival — fabulous costumes, loud music and dancing mean an electric atmosphere that everyone enjoys.

Learn to talk about the fünfte Jahreszeit in German with our handy vocabulary list. Memorise the ten words using the colourful image, then test yourself in the free interactive exercises.

Die Karnevalsparade

  1. der Umzugswagencarnival float (die Umzugswagen)
  2. das Fähnchenlittle flag (die Fähnchen)
  3. das Kostümcostume (die Kostüme)
  4. die Girlandegarland (die Girlanden)
  5. der Imbissstandfood stand (die Imbissstände)
  6. das Konfetticonfetti (no plural)
  7. die Pappnasefalse nose (die Pappnasen)
  8. der Clownclown (die Clowns)
  9. die Luftschlangepaper streamer (die Luftschlangen)
  10. der Wimpelbunting (die Wimpel)