Plurals – Free Exercise

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Write the correct plural form for the following nouns.

  1. der Teppich → die  Nouns with the endings eur, ich, ier, ig, ling and ör normally end in the plural with e.the rugs
  2. die Oma → die  Nouns with the endings a, i, o, u and y normally end in the plural with s.the grandmas
  3. das Haus → die  Single-syllable neuter nouns often end in the plural with er and usually take an umlaut.the houses
  4. der Administrator → die  Nouns with the endings ent, and, ant, ist and or normally end in the plural with en.the administrators
  5. die Strecke → die  Nouns with the ending e normally end in the plural with n.the routes
  6. der Lehrer → die  Masculine nouns with the endings el, en and er usually don’t take a plural ending.the teachers
  7. die Schülerin → die  Feminine nouns with the ending in end in the plural with en and double the n before the plural ending.the pupils
  8. die Nacht → die  Single-syllable feminine nouns often end in the plural with e and take an umlaut.the nights
  9. das Kaninchen → die  Neuter nouns with the endings chen and lein do not have a plural ending.the rabbits
  10. der Mechanismus → die  With foreign words that end in ma, um and us, we usually replace the plural ending of the noun with en.the mechanisms
  11. die Party → die  Nouns with the endings a, i, o, u and y normally end in the plural with s.the parties
  12. der Spezialist → die  Nouns with the endings ent, and, ant, ist and or normally end in the plural with en.the specialists
  13. das Buch → die  Single-syllable neuter nouns often end in the plural with er and usually take an umlaut.the books
  14. die Schwierigkeit → die  Feminine nouns with the endings ion, ik, heit, keit, schaft, tät and ung end in the plural with en.the difficulties
  15. der Flüchtling → die  Masculine nouns with the endings eur, ich, ier, ig, ling and ör normally end in the plural with e.the refugees