Living Room

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Make yourself comfortable! This page will teach you ten new German words to describe the typical things you find in your living room.

Memorise the vocab using the colourful image then test yourself in the free interactive exercises.

Das Wohnzimmer

  1. das Sofacouch (die Sofas)
  2. der Sesselarmchair (die Sessel)
  3. der Stuhlchair (die Stühle)
  4. der Tischtable (die Tische)
  5. das Bildpicture (die Bilder)
  6. der FernseherTV (die Fernseher)
  7. die Fernbedienungremote control (die Fernbedienungen)
  8. der Teppichrug (die Teppiche)
  9. die Lampelamp (die Lampen)
  10. die Wandwall (die Wände)