Bruchzahlen – Free Exercise

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Write the fractions in words.

  1. 7/878  Numerator: cardinal number
    Denominator: ordinal number (acht…) + -el
  2. 3/434  Numerator: cardinal number
    Denominator: ordinal number (viert…) + -el
  3. 2/323  Numerator: cardinal number
    Denominator: ordinal number (dritt…) + -el
  4. 10/111011  Numerator: cardinal number
    Denominator: ordinal number (elft…) + -el
  5. 1/616  Numerator: cardinal number (we remove the -s from eins)
    Denominator: ordinal number (sechst…) + -el

Complete the gaps with the correct form of the word halb.

  1. 1/212 Apfel → ein   Apfelmasculine noun, nominative case, indefinite article → -erhalf an apple
  2. 1/212 Zitrone → eine   Zitronefeminine noun, nominative case, indefinite article → -ehalf a lemon
  3. 1/212 Brot → ein   Brotneutral noun, nominative case, indefinite article → -eshalf a loaf of bread
  4. 1/212 Tag → der   Tagmasculine noun, nominative case, definite article → -ehalf the day
  5. 3/232 Brötchen → drei   Brötchenplural noun, nominative case → -ethree bread roll halves

Capital letter or lower case? Written together or separately? Choose the correct option.

  1. Für den Kuchen brauche ich Milch.Asking about a quantity or amount → numbers written separately
    fraction + unit of measurement (Liter) → lower case
    For the cake I need five eighths of a litre of milk.
  2. Der Walzer ist ein Musikstück im .Talking about a noun (der Takt) → numbers written togetherThe waltz is a piece of music written in 3/4 time.
  3. Wir haben etwa der Strecke geschafft.Expressing a quantity or amount → numbers written separately
    fraction without a unit of measurement → upper case
    We’ve done about two thirds of the way.
  4. Beeil dich, in fährt unser Bus.Talking about a noun (die Viertelstunde) → numbers written together
    in einer viertel Stunde would also be correct here
    Hurry up, our bus leaves in a quarter of an hour.
  5. Kannst du mir bitte Kartoffeln mitbringen?Talking about a quantity or amount → numbers written separately
    fraction + unit of measurement (Kilo = kg) → lower case
    Can you bring me half a kilo of potatoes, please?