Relative Pronouns – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct relative pronoun.

  1. Das ist die Bank, gestern ausgeraubt wurde.die Bank (feminine)
    nominative (What was robbed?) → die
    This is the bank that was robbed yesterday.
  2. Der Mann, die Bank ausraubte, war maskiert.der Mann (masculine)
    nominative (Who robbed the bank?) → der
    The man who robbed the bank was wearing a mask.
  3. Er hatte einen Komplizen, er im Auto warten ließ.der Komplize (masculine)
    accusative (Whom did he leave waiting in the car?) → den
    He had an accomplice, who he left waiting in the car.
  4. Die Bankangestellten, der Räuber drohte, trauten sich nicht, den Alarmknopf zu drücken.die Bankangestellten (plural)
    dative (Whom did the robber threaten?) → denen
    The bank employees, who the robber threatened, didn’t dare to press the alarm button.
  5. Die Frau, dem Bankräuber das Geld geben musste, war jung.die Frau (feminine)
    nominative (Who had to give him the money?) → die
    The woman who had to give the bank robber the money was young.
  6. Die Taschen, in das Geld war, waren blau.die Taschen (plural)
    dative (Where was the money? position) → denen
    The bags that the money was in were blue.
  7. Die Leute, in der Bank waren, hatten große Angst.die Leute (plural)
    nominative (Who was in the bank?) → die
    The people who were in the bank were very frightened.
  8. Ein Mann, Handy klingelte, wusste nicht, was er tun sollte.der Mann (masculine)
    genitive (Whose mobile was ringing?) → dessen
    A man whose mobile was ringing didn’t know what to do.
  9. Eine Mutter, Kind weinte, war auch sehr beunruhigt.die Mutter (feminine)
    genitive (Whose child was crying?) → deren
    A mother whose child was crying was also very worried.
  10. Der Bankräuber verließ die Bank durch einen Ausgang, von nur die Angestellten wissen.der Ausgang (masculine)
    dative (von takes the dative) → dem
    The bank robber left the bank by an exit that only the employees knew about.
  11. Das Auto, mit die Bankräuber entkamen, war orange.das Auto (neutral)
    dative with dem
    The car with which the bank robbers escaped was orange.
  12. Der Mann, den Fluchtwagen fuhr, war sehr nervös.der Mann (masculine)
    nominative (Who was driving the getaway car?) → der
    The man who was driving the getaway car was very nervous.
  13. Einige Polizisten, das Auto verdächtig vorkam, stoppten die Bankräuber.einige Polizisten (plural)
    dative (To whom did the car appear suspicious?) → denen
    Some police officers, to whom the car appeared suspicious, stopped the bank robbers.
  14. Sie erkannten den Bankräuber, nach schon lange gesucht wurde, und verhafteten die beiden Täter.der Bankräuber (masculine)
    dative (nach takes the dative) → dem
    They recognised the bank robber, who had been wanted for a long time, and arrested both criminals.
  15. So kam all das Geld, gestohlen worden war, wieder in die Bank zurück.das Geld (neuter)
    nominative (Who/What had been stolen?) → das
    Thus, all the money that had been stolen was returned to the bank.