Relative Pronouns – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct relative pronoun.

  1. Das ist die Bank, gestern ausgeraubt wurde.die Bank (feminine)|nominative (What was robbed?) → dieThis is the bank that was robbed yesterday.
  2. Der Mann, die Bank ausraubte, war maskiert.der Mann (masculine)|nominative (Who robbed the bank?) → derThe man who robbed the bank was wearing a mask.
  3. Er hatte einen Komplizen, er im Auto warten ließ.der Komplize (masculine)|accusative (Whom did he leave waiting in the car?) → denHe had an accomplice, who he left waiting in the car.
  4. Die Bankangestellten, der Räuber drohte, trauten sich nicht, den Alarmknopf zu drücken.die Bankangestellten (plural)|dative (Whom did the robber threaten?) → denenThe bank employees, who the robber threatened, didn’t dare to press the alarm button.
  5. Die Frau, dem Bankräuber das Geld geben musste, war jung.die Frau (feminine)|nominative (Who had to give him the money?) → dieThe woman who had to give the bank robber the money was young.
  6. Die Taschen, in das Geld war, waren blau.die Taschen (plural)|dative (Where was the money? position) → denenThe bags that the money was in were blue.
  7. Die Leute, in der Bank waren, hatten große Angst.die Leute (plural)|nominative (Who was in the bank?) → dieThe people who were in the bank were very frightened.
  8. Ein Mann, Handy klingelte, wusste nicht, was er tun sollte.der Mann (masculine)|genitive (Whose mobile was ringing?) → dessenA man whose mobile was ringing didn’t know what to do.
  9. Eine Mutter, Kind weinte, war auch sehr beunruhigt.die Mutter (feminine)|genitive (Whose child was crying?) → derenA mother whose child was crying was also very worried.
  10. Der Bankräuber verließ die Bank durch einen Ausgang, von nur die Angestellten wissen.der Ausgang (masculine)|dative (von takes the dative) → demThe bank robber left the bank by an exit that only the employees knew about.
  11. Das Auto, mit die Bankräuber entkamen, war orange.das Auto (neutral)|dative with demThe car with which the bank robbers escaped was orange.
  12. Der Mann, den Fluchtwagen fuhr, war sehr nervös.der Mann (masculine)|nominative (Who was driving the getaway car?) → derThe man who was driving the getaway car was very nervous.
  13. Einige Polizisten, das Auto verdächtig vorkam, stoppten die Bankräuber.einige Polizisten (plural)|dative (To whom did the car appear suspicious?) → denenSome police officers, to whom the car appeared suspicious, stopped the bank robbers.
  14. Sie erkannten den Bankräuber, nach schon lange gesucht wurde, und verhafteten die beiden Täter.der Bankräuber (masculine)|dative (nach takes the dative) → demThey recognised the bank robber, who had been wanted for a long time, and arrested both criminals.
  15. So kam all das Geld, gestohlen worden war, wieder in die Bank zurück.das Geld (neuter)|nominative (Who/What had been stolen?) → dasThus, all the money that had been stolen was returned to the bank.