Future Perfect – Free Exercise

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Free Exercise

Should we use haben or sein? Choose the correct form.

  1. Sie wird schon Feierabend gemacht .Verbs with an accusative object (Feierabend) form the future perfect with haben.She’ll have already finished work.
  2. Bis dahin werden wir mindestens noch einmal in den Urlaub gefahren .Verbs which express a change of location form the future perfect with sein.By that time we’ll have already gone on holiday at least once.
  3. In zehn Jahren wird das Haus zerfallen .Verbs which express a change in condition form the future perfect with sein.In ten years the house will have fallen into ruin.
  4. Wenn ihr nach Hause kommt, werde ich schon das Essen für euch gekocht .Verbs with an accusative object (das Essen) form the future perfect with haben.When you come home, I’ll have already cooked a meal for you.
  5. In spätestens einer Stunde wird das Kind eingeschlafen .Verbs which express a change in condition form the future perfect with sein.In an hour at the latest, the child will have fallen asleep.

Use the words in brackets to write sentences in the future perfect (Futur II).

  1. (er/gehen/schon/nach Hause)  3rd person singular → wird
    Verbs which express a change of location form the future perfect with sein
    strong verb: gehen–ging–gegangen
    He will have already gone home.
  2. (ihr/fragen/gar nicht/ihn)  2nd person plural → werdet
    Verbs with an accusative object (ihn) form the future perfect with haben
    weak verb: ge…t
    You won’t have asked him.
  3. (du/liegen/am Strand/die ganze Zeit)  2nd person singular → wirst
    Intransitive verbs (verbs without an accusative object) that do not express a change of location form the future perfect with haben
    strong verb: liegen–lag–gelegen
    You will have been lying on the beach all day.
  4. Bis dahin (ich/aufwachen/schon wieder)  1st person singular → werde
    Verbs which express a change in condition form the future perfect with sein
    strong separable verb: aufwachen–wachte auf–aufgewacht
    By then I will have woken up again.
  5. Bis zum Wochenende (wir/lernen/das Lied)  1st person plural → werden
    Verbs with an accusative object (das Lied) form the future perfect with haben
    weak verb: ge…t
    By the weekend we will have learned the song.

Use the words in brackets to write questions in the future perfect (Futur II).

  1. (er/umsteigen/am richtigen Bahnhof)  ?3rd person singular → wird
    Verb expressing a change of location → sein
    strong separable verb: umsteigen–stieg um–umgestiegen
    Will he have changed at the right station?
  2. (du/schreiben/den Brief/bis morgen)  ?2nd person singular → wirst
    Verb with accusative object (den Brief)haben
    strong verb: schreiben–schrieb–geschrieben
    Will you have written the letter by tomorrow?
  3. (die Nachbarn/annehmen/unser Paket)  ?3rd person plural → werden
    Verb with accusative object (unser Paket)haben
    strong separable verb: annehmen–nahm an–angenommen
    Will the neighbours have taken in our parcel?
  4. (ihr/bestehen/alle Prüfungen/bis Juli)  ?2nd person plural → werdet
    Verb with accusative object (alle Prüfungen)haben
    strong inseparable verb: bestehen–bestand–bestanden
    Will you have passed all your exams by July?
  5. (wie weit/wir/laufen/wohl schon)  ?1st person plural → werden
    Verb expressing a change of location → sein
    strong verb: laufen–lief–gelaufen
    How far will we have run already?