Perfect Tense – Free Exercise

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Free Exercise

Should we use haben or sein? Choose the correct form.

  1. Wir 10 Kilometer gelaufen.Verbs of motion usually form the present perfect with sein.We’ve run 10 kilometres.
  2. du den Film gesehen? Verbs with an accusative object (transitive verbs) form the present perfect with haben.Have you seen the film?
  3. Ich nicht mit dem Zug gefahren.Verbs of motion usually form the present perfect with sein.I didn’t take the train.
  4. ihr im Urlaub gewesen?The verbs sein, werden, and bleiben form the present perfect with sein.Were you on holiday?
  5. Sie sich verlaufen.Reflexive verbs form the present perfect with haben.She has got lost.

Write sentences in the present perfect. (weak verbs)

  1. (ich/suchen/dich)  .Verbs with an accusative object (dich) form the present perfect with haben.
    Past participle of weak verbs: ge…t
    I was looking for you.
  2. (er/zeigen/uns/den Weg)  .Verbs with an accusative object (den Weg) form the present perfect with haben.
    Past participle of weak verbs: ge…t
    He showed us the way.
  3. (wir/nicht/glauben/ihm)  .Intransitive verbs (verbs without accusative objects) that do not express movement form the present perfect with haben.
    Past participle of weak verbs: ge…t
    We didn’t believe him.
  4. (wohin/ihr/reisen)  ?Verbs of movement usually form the present perfect with sein.
    Past participle of weak verbs: ge…t
    Where did you travel to?
  5. (hören/ihr/das)  ?Verbs with an accusative object (das) form the present perfect with haben.
    Past participle of weak verbs: ge…t
    Did you hear that?

Write sentences in the present perfect. (strong verbs)

  1. (der Schnee/schmelzen)  .Verbs which express a change in condition form the present perfect with sein.
    irregular verb: schmelzen–schmolz–geschmolzen
    The snow has melted.
  2. (meine Großeltern/kommen/zu Besuch)  .Verbs of motion form the present perfect with sein.
    irregular verb: kommen–kam–gekommen
    My grandparents have come to visit.
  3. (ich/nicht lesen/den Text)  .Verbs with an accusative object form the present perfect with haben.
    irregular verb: lesen–las–gelesen
    I haven’t read the text.
  4. (wann/du/gehen/nach Hause)  ?Verbs of motion form the present perfect with sein.
    irregular verb: gehen–ging–gegangen
    When did you go home?
  5. (schließen/du/das Fenster)  ?Verbs with an accusative object form the present perfect with haben.
    irregular verb: schließen–schloss–geschlossen
    Did you close the window?