Present Tense – Free Exercise

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Free Exercise

Should we use haben or sein? Choose the correct form.

  1. Er klug.We use sein with adjectives.He is clever.
  2. Ich einen Hund.Possession, therefore we use haben.I have a dog.
  3. du Hunger?Condition that refers to a noun, so we use haben.Are you hungry?
  4. Wir nicht müde.We use sein with adjectives.We are not tired.
  5. ihr Schweizer?Identification of a living being (nationality), so we use sein.Are you Swiss?

Type the correct present tense form for each verb.

  1. Das Mädchen (gehen)   zur Schule.3rd person singular: we remove the ending en and add a t.The girl goes to school.
  2. Ich (kochen)   heute das Essen.1st person singular: we remove the ending en and add an e.I’ll cook the meal today.
  3. Er (wohnen)   nicht hier.3rd person singular: we remove the ending en and add a t.He doesn’t live here.
  4. (lernen)   ihr Deutsch?2nd person plural: we remove the ending en and add a t.Are you learning German?
  5. (Schreiben)   du mir eine E-Mail?2nd person singular: we remove the ending en and add st.Will you write me an e-mail?

Type the correct present tense form of each verb. Pay attention to exceptions in the construction.

  1. Du (sprechen)   fünf Fremdsprachen.In the 2nd/3rd person singular, e becomes i
    2nd person singular → ending st
    see list of irregular verbs
    You speak five foreign languages.
  2. Der Zug (fahren)   in zehn Minuten.In the 2nd/3rd person singular, a becomes ä
    3rd person singular → ending t
    see list of irregular verbs
    The train departs in ten minutes.
  3. Ihr (baden)   im See.If the word stem ends in d/t, for endings in st und t we add an e before the ending.You are swimming in the lake.
  4. Was (essen)   du gerne?In the 2nd/3rd person singular, e becomes i
    The word stem ends in s, so in the 2nd person singular we only add a t.
    see list of irregular verbs
    What do you like to eat?
  5. (lesen)   er gern Krimis?In the 2nd/3rd person singular, e becomes ie
    3rd person singular → ending t
    see list of irregular verbs
    Does he like to read crime novels?