Personal Pronouns – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct personal pronoun.

  1. esse gern Schokolade.Verb ending -e = ichI like to eat chocolate.
  2. Hat der Film gefallen?gefallen takes the dativeDid you like the film?
  3. versteht doch, oder?1. nominative; verb ending -t = ihr
    2. verstehen takes the accusative
    You understand me, don’t you?
  4. Vielleicht kann Paul am Bahnhof abholen.abholen takes the accusativeMaybe Paul can pick us up at the station.

Complete the gaps with the correct form of the personal pronouns (nominative, dative or accusative).

  1. Der Mann hat (du)   etwas gefragt.fragen takes the accusative: du → dichThe man asked you something.
  2. Die Freunde haben (ich)   geholfen.helfen takes the dative: ich → mirThe friends helped me.
  3. Wo hat Gerda (er)   kennengelernt?kennenlernen takes the accusative: er → ihnWhere did Gerda meet him?
  4. Was haben (sie)   gemacht?sie is the subject of the sentence = nominativeWhat did they do?
  5. Kann ich mit (ihr)   zum Einkaufen fahren?mit takes the dative: ihr → euchCan I go shopping with you?

Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined sections with pronouns.

  1. Das Kind zählt die Äpfel.
     das Kind = neuter subject → es
    die Äpfel = plural accusative → sie
    The child is counting the apples.
    He/she is counting them.
  2. Der Chef dankt der Mitarbeiterin.
     der Chef = masculine subject → er
    die Mitarbeiterin = feminine dative → ihr
    The boss thanks the employee.
    He thanks her.
  3. Die Touristen hören dem Reiseleiter zu.
     die Touristen = plural subject → sie
    der Reiseleiter = masculine dative → ihm
    The tourists listen to the guide.
    They listen to him.
  4. Der Junge lernt das Gedicht.
     der Junge = masculine subject → er
    das Gedicht = neuter accusative → es
    The boy is learning the poem.
    He’s learning it.
  5. Die Lehrerin erklärt den Schülern den Satzbau.
     die Lehrerin = feminine subject → sie
    die Schüler = plural dative → ihnen
    der Satzbau = masculine accusative → ihn
    accusative pronoun comes before the dative pronoun
    The teacher explains the syntax to the students.
    She explains it to them.