Imperative – Free Exercise

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Form the imperative in the polite form (Sie).

  1. (warten/einen Moment)  infinitive + Sie + …Wait a moment!
  2. (zeigen/mir/Ihren Ausweis)  infinitive + Sie + indirect object pronoun (mir) + direct objectShow me your identification!
  3. (unterschreiben/hier)  infinitive + Sie + adverbSign here.
  4. (sich verlaufen/nicht)  infinitive + Sie + reflexive pronoun + nichtDon’t get lost!
  5. (sich hinten anstellen)  infinitive + Sie + adverb + prefixGo to the end of the queue.

Form sentences in the imperative in the 2nd person plural (ihr).

  1. (schließen/die Tür)  verb in 2nd person plural + objectShut the door!
  2. (sein/höflich)  verb in 2nd person plural + adverbBe polite!
  3. (laufen/nicht so schnell)  verb in 2nd person plural + nicht + adverbDon’t walk so fast!
  4. (sich ein Bonbon nehmen)  verb in 2nd person plural + reflexive pronoun + objectTake a sweet.
  5. (vorgehen/schon mal)  verb in 2nd person plural + adverb + prefixGo on ahead.

Form sentences in the imperative in the 2nd person singular (du).

  1. (fragen/deine Lehrerin)  simple verb: remove -en from the infinitive
    the ending -e is optional
    Ask your teacher.
  2. (arbeiten/nicht so viel)  verb whose stem ends in -t: add -eDon’t work so much!
  3. (lesen/langsamer)  stem-changing verb: -e → -ie, no ending
    Read slower!
  4. (geben/mir/deine Telefonnummer)  stem-changing verb: -e → -i, no ending
    Give me your phone number.
  5. (sich wegdrehen/nicht)  simple verb: remove -en from the infinitive
    the ending -e is optional
    reflexive, separable verb: imperative + reflexive pronoun + nicht + prefix
    Don’t turn away!