Reflexive Verbs – Free Exercise

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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the reflexive verbs in brackets.

  1. Er (sich kämmen)   die = reflextive pronoun sich
    3rd person singular Präsenskämmt
    or: 3rd person singular Präteritumkämmte
    He brushed his hair.
  2. Wenn ihr keine Jacke anzieht, werdet ihr (sich erkälten)  .ihr = reflexive pronoun euch
    the auxiliary verb werdet is followed by the infinitive of the main verb: erkälten
    If you don’t put on your jackets, you’ll catch a cold.
  3. Du musst (sich schämen/nicht)  .du = reflexive pronoun dich
    the modal verb musst is followed by the infinitive of the main verb: schämen
    You don’t have to be ashamed.
  4. Wir haben (sich verlaufen)  .wir = reflexive pronoun uns
    the auxiliary verb haben is followed by the Partizip II of the main verb: verlaufen
    We’ve got ourselves lost.
  5. Ich (sich bewerben)   um eine Arbeitsstelle.ich = reflexive pronoun mich
    3rd person singular Präsensbewerbe
    or: 3rd person singular Präteritumbewarb
    I applied for a job.
  6. Sie haben (sich bemühen)  , nicht zu lachen.sie = reflexive pronoun sich
    the auxiliary verb haben is followed by the Partizip II of the main verb: bemüht
    They tried not to laugh.

Accusative or dative? Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns.

  1. Ich habe   versteckt.1st person singular, accusative: michI hid.
  2. Wäschst du   die Haare?2nd person singular, dative: dirAre you washing your hair?
  3. Ich ziehe   schnell eine Strickjacke an.1st person singular, dative: mirI’ll just quickly put on a cardigan.
  4. Dreh   nicht um!2nd person singular, accusative: dichDon’t turn around!
  5. Hast du   schon etwas zu essen bestellt?2nd person singular, dative: dirHave you already ordered something to eat?

Use the words in brackets to create sentences. Decide if you need to use a reflexive pronoun or not.

verlassen (present)

  • (?/wann/du/die Stadt)  ?here, verlassen means leave = no reflexive pronoun
    question word + verb + subject + object
    2nd person singular: verlässt
    When are you leaving town?
  • (er/auf dein Wort)  .here, verlassen means rely = reflexive pronoun required
    subject + verb + reflexive pronoun + preposition + object
    3rd person singular: reflexive pronoun sich
    He’s relying on your word.

aufhalten (present perfect)

  • (ich/in Berlin)  .here, aufhalten means stay = reflexive pronoun required
    subject + auxiliary verb + reflexive pronoun + preposition + object + Partizip II of the main verb
    1st person singular: reflexive pronoun mich
    auxiliary verb: habe
    irregular main verb: aufhaltenaufgehalten
    I stayed in Berlin.
  • (wir/den Lehrer)  .here, aufhalten means stop = no reflexive pronoun
    subject + auxiliary + object + Partizip II of the main verb
    1st person plural: auxiliary verb haben
    irregular main verb: aufhaltenaufgehalten
    We stopped the teacher.