Passive – Free Exercise

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Free Exercise

Turn the active sentences into passive sentences (processual passive). Use the same tense as in the active sentence.

  1. Ich lese das Buch.
     das Buch becomes the subject (stays the same)
    verb in present tense, subject is 3rd person singular → wird
    irregular verb: lesen–las–gelesen
    ichvon + dative
    The book is being read (by me).
  2. Sie unterschrieb den Vertrag.
     den Vertrag becomes the subject (article changes)
    verb in simple past, subject is 3rd person singular → wurde
    irregular verb: unterschreiben–unterschrieb–unterschrieben
    sievon + dative
    The contract was signed (by her).
  3. Ein Auto hat mich angefahren.
     mich becomes the subject (pronoun changes)
    verb in present perfect, subject is 1st person singular → bin … worden
    irregular verb: anfahren–fuhr an–angefahren
    ein Auto → von + dative
    I was run over (by a car).
  4. Meine Nachbarn werden meine Blumen gießen.
     meine Blumen becomes the subject (stays the same)
    verb in future tense, subject in 3rd person plural → werden … werden
    irregular verb: gießen–goss–gegossen
    meine Nachbarnvon + dative
    My flowers will be watered (by my neighbour).
  5. Seine Großeltern hatten das Haus gebaut.
     das Haus becomes the subject (stays the same)
    verb in past perfect tense, subject is 3rd person singular → war … worden
    regular verb
    seine Großelternvon + dative
    The house was built (by his grandparents).

Form sentences in the processual passive. Put the dative object at the beginning of the sentence.

  1. Ich gebe dir Bescheid.
     The dative object moves to the 1st position but doesn’t change.
    Bescheid becomes the subject (stays the same)
    verb in present tense, subject is 3rd person singular → wird
    irregular verb: geben–gab–gegeben
    ichvon + Dativ (comes after the helping verb)
    You’ll be informed (by me).
  2. Er schrieb ihr zwei Briefe.
     The dative object moves to the 1st position but doesn’t change.
    zwei Briefe becomes the subject (stays the same)
    verb in present perfect, subject is 3rd person plural → wurden
    irregular verb: schreiben–schrieb–geschrieben
    ervon + Dativ (comes after the helping verb)
    Two letters were written to her (by him).
  3. Sie empfahlen mir das Restaurant.
     The dative object moves to the 1st position but doesn’t change.
    das Restaurant becomes the subject (stays the same)
    verb in present perfect, subject in 3rd person singular → wurde
    irregular verb: empfehlen–empfahl–empfohlen
    sievon + Dativ (comes after the helping verb)
    The restaurant was recommended to me (by them).
  4. Das Reisebüro hat ihm die Buchung bestätigt.
     The dative object moves to the 1st position but doesn’t change.
    die Buchung becomes the subject (stays the same)
    verb in present perfect, subject is 3rd person singular → ist … worden
    irregular verb
    das Reisebürovon + Dativ (comes after the helping verb)
    His booking was confirmed (by the travel agency).
  5. Jemand hat uns die Taschen gestohlen.
     The dative object moves to the 1st position but doesn’t change.
    die Taschen becomes the subject (stays the same)
    verb in present perfect, subject in 3rd person plural → sind … worden
    irregular verb: stehlen–stahl–gestohlen
    jemandvon + Dativ (Because jemand means someone unknown, it can come after the helping verb or after the subject (die Taschen).)
    Our purses were stolen (by someone).

Form sentences in the statal passive.

  1. (das Essen/kochen - present)  3rd person singular, present → ist + past participleThe food is cooked.
  2. (die Betten/machen - present)  3rd person plural, present → sind + past participleThe beds are made.
  3. (die Tür/verschließen - present)  3rd person singular, present → ist + past participle
    irregular verb: verschließen–verschloss–verschlossen
    The door is locked.
  4. (alles/vorbereiten - simple past)  3rd person singular, simple past → war + past participleEverything was prepared.
  5. (die Fenster/öffnen - simple past)  3rd person plural, past simple → waren + past participleThe windows were opened.